Here comes Darell
Livre en anglais
Here comes Darell
Livre occasion de Leda Schubert et Mary Azarian chez HMC Company
Livraison offerte dès 30€ d'achat, en Relais Colis et Mondial Relay
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If he isn’t at the Barretts’ house, delivering firewood with his dump truck, you might find Darrell on his backhoe, digging a swimming hole for the Murphys, or, depending on the season, plowing the Harts’ steep driveway with his snowplow. Darrell makes sure each family has what they need for every season—which means he rarely has time for his own home. So when a fierce storm blows into town, how will Darrell, too, end up safe and sound?
A partir de 6 ans
Livre cartonné bon état